Sports promo works with different partners and stakeholders in the Malawi community.
Malawi National Council OF Sports (MNCS)
One of the partners that sports promo is working with is the Malawi National Council of Sports which is a statuary corporation that was created by Malawi Government under the act of parliament in 1974. It is mandated to regulate and implement different policies on sports.
The Malawi National Council of sports has got over 40 different association that is working with and sports promo is an agency that is affiliated in order to provide capacity development training to these association and others sports clubs.
Sports promo and the Malawi national council of sports, therefore, are working together in areas of capacity development and sports promo have development over 10 different types of training in order to achieve is goals.
Nyasa Big Bullets football Club (NMFC)
Nyasa Big Bullet is one of the biggest football clubs in Malawi and has the largest number of supports with over 6 million supporters. Sports promo started working with the club in the last 3 years and it has worked with Nyasa Big Bullets in areas of training and events management.
These events included organizing of Gala awards, fundraising events and training. Last year Nyasa big bullets engaged sports promo to train its 54 players in behavior change, investment and financial management which is the greatest challenge among players in Malawi.
Castel Malawi Limited
Castel Malawi is a beer manufacturing company in Malawi and sports promo engaged them to organize sports events.
The beer manufacturing company provided over Mk10, 000,000 to organize a social football tournament which had over 80 social football teams across Malawi.
This was organized in order to promote Carlsberg beer and brand as well as promote good health amongst pub teams.
The Malawi National Netball Supporters Club
The Netball supporters club was formed with the objectives of cheering and supporting the Malawi National Netball team. Sports promo have worked with the club in areas of capacity development and fundraising.
It has been able to organize various fundraising events to mobilize resources for the team and also organize various social netball tournament.